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The Vegan Lifestyle Blog

Why Being Vegetarian is Not Enough

Vegetarians and those who enjoy plant-based diets often believe that their food choices align with their ethical convictions, but this is often not the case. Animals that are used for products other than meat are still harmed. And consumption of those animal products take up more resources to produce, making them less sustainable.

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Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas: How to Do the Best You Can

When you face ethical dilemmas, follow these tips:

  • Be strategic in your responses to others. Think long-term rather than being a perfect vegan.
  • Be compassionate with yourself and others. Perfection is unnecessary to do good.
  • When you're faced with a serious ethical dilemma, prioritize. You may need to prioritize your health over being vegan 100% of the time.

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What’s in Your Kitchen? Your Guide to Essential Vegan Ingredients and Kitchenware

When it comes to veganizing your kitchen, remember that you don’t need all of the latest gadgets and wares. All you need are the essentials, including pantry basics, snacks, baking necessities, spices, oils, vinegars, refrigerator items, freezer items, and kitchenware. 

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Help! I’m Vegan and Dating an Omnivore

If you’re vegan, or thinking about going vegan, and you’re dating an omnivore, here are a few tips to make your life easier. Our first tip is to do the grocery shopping. If you’re trying vegan recipes for the first time, you’ll want to go grocery shopping yourself, even if your partner also goes shopping. They will not want to look for your tofu or nutritional yeast, and these items may be hard to find in a grocery store. Don’t potentially aggravate your partner concerning your new lifestyle by asking them to pick up new-to-them items. 

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How to Shop for Secondhand Vegan Clothes

In honor of National Secondhand Wardrobe Day, which is celebrated annually on August 25, we collected our best tips on how to shop for secondhand vegan clothes. Start by learning what materials are vegan.

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Looking to Veganize Your Wardrobe? Here’s How

If you are vegan or considering the vegan lifestyle, it’s important to veganize your wardrobe to fit your chosen lifestyle. Why? Veganism isn’t just a diet; it’s a lifestyle guided by ethics. In this article, we'll share the 5 easy steps you can take to veganize your wardrobe.

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3 Reasons to Visit a Farmers Market This Summer

Whether you practice the vegan lifestyle or want to make healthier choices, one healthy habit you can make is to visit the farmers market on a regular basis. The farmers market is the perfect place to learn about fresh produce, purchase local food, meet new people, and more.

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